Dental Clinic Gran Canaria

Having a trustworthy dental clinic is equivalent to having the security of always being in the best professional hands. It is precisely in those moments when we need help that it is an added value to surround ourselves with experts who care about the health of their patients beyond money. If you are looking for a dental clinic in Gran Canaria, today we will tell you about 4 aspects that our centre offers you that distinguish it from the competition.

4 points to consider when choosing us as your dental clinic in Gran Canaria

Clinica dental Gran Canaria

Take note and let yourself be treated by professionals with an optimal working methodology.

Correct attention and friendliness of the staff

This point is often underestimated, but it is of utmost importance. It is certainly important to feel welcome and well treated in a place where you go for a service. This is even more so when you may be there for pain. Our customer service staff are friendly and understanding, as is the general working atmosphere. Normally, if there is a good relationship between the workers, the work they do will be better. Don't forget that the result has a lot to do with your health.

Time flexibility

Most people have jobs or obligations and must use their free time to attend medical appointments, among other commitments. Therefore, you should make sure that your centre offers good opening hours. Especially appreciate the possibility of attending in the mornings or afternoons according to your needs. Be interested in the possibility we offer to change appointments, especially if your schedule is a bit hectic.

General cleaning

Essential point. The level of hygiene of the visible areas is the showcase of the conditions in which the centre is located. If the staff is concerned about the cleanliness of the common areas, the consultation rooms and, of course, the work material, you can be sure that they will also maintain these quality standards in the corners that are not so visible. Keep in mind that this is of paramount importance for your health.

Extent of services

The most convenient thing is to be able to carry out all your procedures in the same centre, both because you already know the centre and have an informed opinion, and because they have all your records. This will help you save tests, money and a lot of time. If the dental clinic you are going to work with has a good range of services, you already have a lot of the work done. That's why we offer full service orthodontics, bruxism correction, care for snorers and sleep apnoea, dental implants, prosthetics, periodontics, endodontics and physiotherapy, among others.

The experience in our dental clinic in Gran Canaria is complete and designed for the whole family. We offer services for children and senior citizens, as well as middle-aged adults with a variety of dental pathologies. We carry out complete studies from the first contact with the case until its resolution, always thinking of your quality of life both in the short and long term.

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